Thursday, 10 October 2013

My thoughts today about life

I will never understand why people say this is a horrible world.
When so many beautiful things happen.
Like when you are on a double decker bus and one goes past you and you smile to the other bus and someone smiles back.
Then an old lady sits next to you and talks about the weather.
When you get off the bus a baby in a push chair waves and says goodbye.
Then when you are walking down the road a acorn falls on the person's head in front of you and you can't help but giggle when they look around puzzled.
All of these little things that I can't help but smile at happen, would these things happen in such a horrible world?
No, but I think they would happen in a beautiful one.

Tuesday, 8 October 2013

Being Yourself?

Being yourself is something that so many people are told to do, but how many actually do it?
I do not know what can be called 'being yourself' but I have always tried to be it. 
So, this is how I do:
I love what I love and I don't care if people know. 
I wear what I like to wear.
Read what I want to read.
Not being ashamed of doing things I like. (seriously how can some people be ashamed of reading) 
Being friends with the people I like.

I think those are the main things. I think what confuses people about 'being themselves' is that they care what other people think of them, and I do to. I think no matter how much people deny they don't care about opinions from other people they do still care they are just trying to not let the caring bother them. 

But anyway even if someone wants to wear something because someone else is and they like it they are being themselves becasue it is their own choice to do it. It is not about being unique, becasue everyone is different already it is just about being how you want to be for yourself.