Wednesday 25 September 2013

Who Are You?

A big question.
I think part of who we are is born within, us but only a small amount.
As soon as we are born we are surrounded by people and these people have an influence on us but still do not make us completely who we are. I think they just give us a starting point to move on with: basic values and beliefs, and then we expand from this. When you were younger you would have been different than now but that is because who you are does not lie in the past, it lies in the present and also the future.
Who you are is not the things that you have done, it is how you have done them.
Who you are is not that you listen to music, it is not even what music you listen to, it is what you feel when you listen.
Who you are is not the books you read, it is not if you don't read. It is not even the ones that are your favourites, it is not your favourite lines or characters, it is why they are your favourite.
I do not know if this makes sense but what I mean is, who you are is not on your outside it is inside, deep inside you. It is what you feel, that is what makes you who you really are.

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