Thursday 10 October 2013

My thoughts today about life

I will never understand why people say this is a horrible world.
When so many beautiful things happen.
Like when you are on a double decker bus and one goes past you and you smile to the other bus and someone smiles back.
Then an old lady sits next to you and talks about the weather.
When you get off the bus a baby in a push chair waves and says goodbye.
Then when you are walking down the road a acorn falls on the person's head in front of you and you can't help but giggle when they look around puzzled.
All of these little things that I can't help but smile at happen, would these things happen in such a horrible world?
No, but I think they would happen in a beautiful one.

Tuesday 8 October 2013

Being Yourself?

Being yourself is something that so many people are told to do, but how many actually do it?
I do not know what can be called 'being yourself' but I have always tried to be it. 
So, this is how I do:
I love what I love and I don't care if people know. 
I wear what I like to wear.
Read what I want to read.
Not being ashamed of doing things I like. (seriously how can some people be ashamed of reading) 
Being friends with the people I like.

I think those are the main things. I think what confuses people about 'being themselves' is that they care what other people think of them, and I do to. I think no matter how much people deny they don't care about opinions from other people they do still care they are just trying to not let the caring bother them. 

But anyway even if someone wants to wear something because someone else is and they like it they are being themselves becasue it is their own choice to do it. It is not about being unique, becasue everyone is different already it is just about being how you want to be for yourself.

Monday 30 September 2013


I write things that no one will ever see,
But I write them as if someone is reading them.
I say I don't like people,
But I love them as well.
I paint my nails,
Then I pick it off.
I don't like cheese,
But I only ever order margarita pizza.
I feel like know a lot,
But then I feel I know nothing at all.
One thing I do know is that I am a contradiction.
And maybe everyone is,
But then again I am not entirely sure,
I might just be getting confused again.

Sort of what I live by

I have not always believed in 'Everything happens for a reason.' But more, 'Everything is happening.' Yes, this may be a bad happening or a good happening. 
What is important is that this has happened and nothing will change the happening, you just have to move on and see what happens next.

Wednesday 25 September 2013


I love your super cute smile when you are trying not to laugh.
I love you golden brown eyes, which make me feel not alone again.
I love your soft comforting voice, it is perfect for the stories you tell.
I love your squeaky laugh when you find something hilarious.
I love your mind which is filled with so many clever things, but it never makes me feel stupid.
And I am pretty sure I love every little part of you, and yet I will not say 'I love you.'
I guess because that would really mean something, it would mean I could never leave,
but I don't want to leave.
So I think I will just stay, and maybe one day I will say...
I love you.

Who Are You?

A big question.
I think part of who we are is born within, us but only a small amount.
As soon as we are born we are surrounded by people and these people have an influence on us but still do not make us completely who we are. I think they just give us a starting point to move on with: basic values and beliefs, and then we expand from this. When you were younger you would have been different than now but that is because who you are does not lie in the past, it lies in the present and also the future.
Who you are is not the things that you have done, it is how you have done them.
Who you are is not that you listen to music, it is not even what music you listen to, it is what you feel when you listen.
Who you are is not the books you read, it is not if you don't read. It is not even the ones that are your favourites, it is not your favourite lines or characters, it is why they are your favourite.
I do not know if this makes sense but what I mean is, who you are is not on your outside it is inside, deep inside you. It is what you feel, that is what makes you who you really are.

Tuesday 24 September 2013

Harry Potter

I just wanted to talk about harry potter.
It is probably my favourite thing in the world. I have grown up with it and I will continue to grow with it. I know it must have affected me and who I am, because I do believe that who we are is made up from everything around us - but that's a post for another day.
I just thought I would say what harry potter has taught me:
Friendship is one of the most important things there is. I does not matter who you are or what you are like there is always a place for friendship.
Bad things happen. It is no fairytale, it is life. Bad things happen to everyone.
People die and you have to carry on, because in the end they have gone but you will always remember them so they are not completely gone.
You can become something even if you think you come from nothing.
There will always be happiness somewhere.
Death should not be feared. It is inevitable after all, we don't know what happens when we die but what happens will happen.
Finally, love will save us. Always.